Thursday, September 19, 2013


At the restaurant the maître d' seated us on the outdoor patio and a waiter opened our bottle of wine. I hadn't eaten a thing but felt ready to throw up. I pressed my hands on my summer skirt. I looked around at the other diners. They appeared carefree and easy. I opened the menu.

What are you going to have? I asked casually.

I'm thinking the steak. How about you?

Ummm...I guess the mussels, and we shared a smile because I always order the mussels.

Good choice, he said.

I met William's eyes, lifted my shoulders and let them drop along with all the air in my solar plexus.

William raised his glass to me and whispered, It's fantastic. His eyes were wet.

Really? You think so? You liked it?

It's fantastic and she'd be fool not to represent it.

Summer of 2007 was when Peace, Purpose and Creativity locked into place for me like long-sought puzzle pieces.

Peace: Because of William's work we had a roof overhead and food on the table.

Purpose: Because of Shakespeare Club there was an important place for me to be six months of the year.

Creativity: Because of the writing conference and my writing teachers and because I had a literary agent, creativity flourished.

In July we adopted a new kitty and named her Scrabble.

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