Thursday, July 19, 2012


William always beats me at Scrabble. I'm okay with that. I have a good time coming up with my little words while he shuffles his letters around like mad, searching for a humdinger of a bingo every turn.

Dusk turned into twilight and the weather had indeed cooled. I plunged my hand into the maroon Scrabble tile bag and scrounged for more letters.

What's up for you tomorrow? William asked.

Coaching at noon, then the health club....God, I don't know — hey, look at that!

And I played EXACT on a triple word score.

Woo! I'm winning! You should be worried, honey. Although it's not so much skill, you know.

Really? You think not?

I mean, it's a little skill, but it's really the letters you get. The balance of vowels and consonants. I'm winning this one because I have a good balance of letters. Just luck.


William appended -ED to another word and I knew he was either saving letters to try to create one big word, or he was stuck with a lot of vowels. I may not be as competitive as him, but I was still enjoying this lead. A lot.

And then it happened. There were only three tiles remaining and I had a seven-letter word of my own. Not only that, but there was an easy place on the board to play it.

Yes, yes, yes!

William shook his head.

Come on, that never happens. C'mon!

I know. Amazing. Well played. Congrats.

You're shocked, right? Completely and utterly.

But it's still all about the balance of letters, right?

And skill, of course. Skill too. Play again?

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