Thursday, December 6, 2012

HONG KONG: April-May, 2004 (Part 14)

William had no idea what stone he had overturned with his response, but it was a big one.

It took me a long time to share my writing with him after that. He continued to offer to proofread my emails, but when I wrote a book I didn't show one page to him. I didn't believe he could really hear or understand my writing voice, and worse, I'd let a dream spill out of my mouth.

William had issues with voicing his own aspirations. When I said things to him like One day you're going win an Oscar, he would roll his eyes and look at me like he ardently hoped I would shut the hell up.

I tend to jump up and down, yelling my dreams for the world to hear. My husband is the opposite.

What's your dream? I asked him.

He shrugged.

Come on. You must have something.

Make money and retire.

That's it?

Sure, I want to take care of you. That's good enough for me.

I don't believe you.

It's true.

I don't believe you.

And I was right.

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